IRTG 2657 News
A space-time afternoon presented by GAMM Junior Research Groups

A space-time afternoon presented by GAMM Junior Research Groups

Symbolic image: presentation Symbolic image: presentation Symbolic image: presentation
© IRTG 2021

The GAMM Junior Research Groups presents on the 23rd of January 2024, A320 Main Building: 3 presentations under the heading: "A space-time afternoon"

13:00 - 14:00 Presentation Prof. Junker:
Space-time variational material modeling

14:00 - 14:20 Break

14:20 - 15:20 Presentation Prof. Wick Part 1:
Function spaces and discretization

15:20 - 15:45 Break

15:45 - 16:45 Presentation Prof. Wick Part 2:
Numerics and error estimation

17:00 - Finale