IRTG 2657
1st IRTG 2657 Symposium

First IRTG 2657 international symposium on modeling and efficient computation of high dimensional problems in computational mechanics.

The symposium in particular addresses the topics efficient and error-controlled model order reduction techniques for problems in

  • High dimensional stochastic and parametric spaces

  • Multi-scale problems in space and time

  • Data augmented simulations

The symposium will be held on

Objective of the symposium is to exchange the experience and the scientific progress made in the IRTG during the first 3 years. Doctoral and post-doc researcher will present their results obtained in that time. International renowned experts in the field of the IRTG will exchange their experience and share with the researchers involved in the research training group, where both, state-of-the-art research topics and goal oriented doctoral research training will be addressed.

Invited speaker:

  • Prof. Olivier Allix, ENS Paris Saclay, France

  • Prof. Peter Benner, MPI Magdeburg, Germany

  • Prof. Francisko Chinesta, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, France

  • Prof. Jianbing Chen, Tongji University, China

  • Prof. Peter Wriggers, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany